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About The Blog
Greetings in Jesus' name. Â My name is Rose Bryant. I started Full Circle Womens Ministries in September 2011. The goal of this ministry is to help women heal from the inside out. It is based on Psalm 147:3 - "He healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds." I believe that God has permitted me to go through many different trials but they have not been in vain. I have felt His spirit lead me to this ministry to share my testimony and to help lead broken and hurting women to a relationship with Christ. I have been serving Him for over 25 years and I can attest that It is only through a personal and intimate relationship with Christ that we can get through our storms with hope and come out victoriously. The website ministry is just one part of a 4-fold ministry (the website/book publishing, women's counselor, women's shelter & women's conference speaker) that I believe God placed in my heart after giving me a vision in late 2006/early 2007. Â However, He began revealing the vision as early as July 1988 when He first gave me the words "full circle"Â in a prayer meeting in July 1998.
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